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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Conspiracy Theory Pt. 2

(gasping)...Ok...breathe John. I think...we lost him...when we crossed that ocean...back there... (gasping)

I'll make this fast, cause I don't know how much time I've got left. Matt is on to me. He unleashed his hounds and is fast on my tail. This may be the last transmission you get from me. If you don't hear from me again, HE has gotten to me, and I urge you to continue the fight whatever the cost. We must not go quietly into the night!

Here's the story. Me and my trusty companion Dr. Google were creeping around looking for dirt on "Matt Rose". I know somethings not right with that guy, especially in light of my most recent discovery that he is not who he appears to be. What I came across will make your hair stand on end. Lock up the children, and cover your animal's eyes. Buckle up, Dorothy, cause Kansas is going bye bye.

Found on Google:

Matthew or Montgomery S. Rose b 1815
Matthew (or Montgomery) S. Rose, b. 1815 in Tennesse (A Cherokee), married Rebecca (Vincent) Rose in 1848. They mad a family in Pulaski County Missouri surrounded by Musgraves and Vincents. In 1861, he joined the 10th Missouri Confederate Infantry with many Musgraves and Vincents and went to war. He fought at the Battle of Prarie Gove Arkansas on Dec 7, 1862, where SEVERAL Vincents and Musgraves were killed. He was never seen again after the battle and was listed MIA, but presumed dead. He left children though... Although it is possible he survived and just moved on, perhaps from the battle to the nearby Cherokee reservation.
Two things frighten me about this information. One, that Matt is 190 years old! That, folks, just ain't right. His powers are clearly beyond that of mortal men. We have no idea what we're dealing with. Two, he has spawned unholy offspring to aid him in his diabolical schemes.
Watch your back. Trust no one. Keep your blaster handy.
This is getting worse by the moment.


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