I Hate Matt Rose generated by sloganizer.net

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Warmachine? More like You'redumbmachine!

Just remembered another one. Oh, that Matt! I want to step on his hat!

Once, we were playing this game. I don't remember what it was called. Anyway, you push these little figures around on a table, or something like that. So Matt is playing too and guess what happened? Matt made me take all my little people away. He said he killed them or something equally lame. Gosh!

I gotta go feed the llama.



This one time, at band camp

Matt once stole a french fry from me. That really ticks me off.

We were sitting at Perkins, as we all have been known to do. And out of the blue, he just reaches over and grabs one of mine. Like no one else at the table had any. Sheesh!

Oh, the whirlwind is coming for you, Matt freaking Rose!


Saturday, July 30, 2005

It has to start somewhere

What better place than here?
What better time than now?

This site is hereby dedicated to that one person that we despise...Matt Rose.

Game on...
