I Hate Matt Rose generated by sloganizer.net

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ice is back with a brand new attack

Hey all, I know you've all been wondering what's been going on. Am I alive? How is Matt's plan to dominate the world coming? Is Mrs. Babelfish single yet?

I'll get to that last one in a moment.

With summer over, I must once again resume my cover of being a lowly public school employee. People start to ask too many questions if you just sit around all day trying to figure out what Matt is doing to screw up the world. So I maintain this cover of working at a school. Besides, it gives me weekends and summers off. And occasionally pays the bills.

Why bother with having a cover when the world could suffer Rosageddon at any moment? Well, it's all about keeping the heat off you. For example. Batman didn't work at all, what with his playboy image, and I think that's why so many people were after him. If he'd held down a steady job, people wouldn't have given him a second thought. But since he gave the image of having time to spare, people were always kidnapping him, or Robin, or Alfred, or his jewels...the list goes on and on.

Those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it.

So what has Matt been up to lately? Well, it's not good. He's managed to fool some folks in pretty high places, and now he's working at the corporate office of a major United States company. I've seen this from him before. First, get into a companies good graces by starting from an entry level position. Then slowly get promoted, gain people's trust, and then finally stab them in the back once he's in a position of power.

He's got the time to make this scheme work. He does appear to impervious to aging. See that post about him and the Civil War, if you don't recall.

It's diabolical, but my crack team of associates and I are powerless to stop him right now. You see, Matt has timed his latest takeover move to correspond with some other schemes of his that have been brewing for a long time. Oh, it was clever, I'll give him credit for that. More on those other schemes in the coming days. Just what those schemes are will shock you to your soul. It's amazing what Matt is capable of.

And on a sad note, yes, it does appear that Mrs. Babelfish's marriage is on the rocks. You'll notice she hasn't had much to do with the site recently. I've been giving her time to try and work through her issues with Mr. Babelfish. But things just don't seem to be working out.

I'll share this, because I know I can trust all of you out there. At the recent I Hate Matt Rose staff party, she and Señor Sloganizer did end up spending most of their time together. I think it was a natural thing, since no one else around here has any idea what the good Señor is saying. They do seem happy with each other, I'll give them that. I'll try to get some photos of that gala event posted in the near future.

Well, it's good to be back and spreading the word of I Hate Matt Rose. I'll broadcast again soon from my secret location.


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